【ブランド名】 Lyrichord Discs *cl*オペラ・声楽, 古典・バロック, ライトクラシック, 輸入盤John Paul: Artist; Johann Sebastian Bach: Composer; John Paul: Performer
【商品説明】 Complete Clavier Suites of Js Bach 4 Product DescriptionThe Clavier Suites of J.S. Bach are among the crowning glories of keyboard music in the Baroque Era. In them Bach combines German counterpoint with the current flavors of French and Italian musical fashion to produce nineteen works of gracefulness and brilliance. Here is a new recording of English Suite 6 and the French Overture by John Paul in his series of Bach performed on the lautenwerck Peau de Buffle stop. The lute-like sound of gut strings gently brushed by soft leather quills displays at once the intimacy and the virtuosity of these marvelous works. "[John Paul] has an excellent rapport with the lautenwerck, and his interpretive decisions always serve the greater architecture of the music." - American Record Guide
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Complete Clavier Suites of Js Bach 4
Lyrichord Discs *cl*オペラ・声楽, 古典・バロック, ライトクラシック, 輸入盤John Paul: Artist; Johann Sebastian Bach: Composer; John Paul: Performer
Complete Clavier Suites of Js Bach 4
Product DescriptionThe Clavier Suites of J.S. Bach are among the crowning glories of keyboard music in the Baroque Era. In them Bach combines German counterpoint with the current flavors of French and Italian musical fashion to produce nineteen works of gracefulness and brilliance. Here is a new recording of English Suite 6 and the French Overture by John Paul in his series of Bach performed on the lautenwerck Peau de Buffle stop. The lute-like sound of gut strings gently brushed by soft leather quills displays at once the intimacy and the virtuosity of these marvelous works. "[John Paul] has an excellent rapport with the lautenwerck, and his interpretive decisions always serve the greater architecture of the music." - American Record Guide
(中古品)Complete Clavier Suites of Js Bach 4///Lyrichord Discs *cl*オペラ・声楽, 古典・バロック, ライトクラシック, 輸入盤John Paul: Artist; Johann Sebastian Bach: Composer; John Paul: Performer/Complete Clavier Suites of Js Bach 4/Product DescriptionThe Clavier Suites of J.S. Bach are among the crowning glories of keyboard music in the Baroque Era. In them Bach combines German counterpoint with the current flavors of French and Italian musical fashion to produce nineteen works of gracefulness and brilliance. Here is a new recording of English Suite 6 and the French Overture by John Paul in his series of Bach performed on the lautenwerck Peau de Buffle stop. The lute-like sound of gut strings gently brushed by soft leather quills displays at once the intimacy and the virtuosity of these marvelous works. "[John Paul] has an excellent rapport with the lautenwerck, and his interpretive decisions always serve the greater architecture of the music." - American Record Guide