ゼブラ サラサドライ 0.7 黒 ボール径:0.7mm JJB31-BK(80セット) 特徴: ◆超速乾DRYJELL搭載 紙に浸透しやすい新成分をインクに配合。すぐに紙に染み込むので、書いた直後に触れても汚れません。乾燥時間は当社従来品に比べ約85%短縮しました。(0.5 ミリで普通紙に書いた場合) ◆さらさら書き味 低粘度のジェル状のインクにしたことで、よりさらさらとした軽い書き味の筆記感を実現しました。色の濃い染料の色材を使い、筆記線がよりくっきり見えるようになりました。 ◆持ち運びにも便利 大きく開きやすいバインダークリップを搭載し、ポケットやノートにはさんで携帯しやすくなっています。 素材・原材料 再生ポリカーボネート、エラストマー 商品本体サイズ 幅17.2mm×奥行10.9mm×高さ139.4mm A characteristic: ◆The super fast-dry DRYJELL deployment I combine the new ingredient which is easy to infiltrate paper with ink. As I soak into paper immediately I do not become dirty even if I touch it right after I wrote it. I shortened it by approximately 85% in comparison with our conventional products at dry time. (when I usually write it on the paper at 0.5 millimeters) ◆Write it quickly; taste Did it more quickly by having had gel-formed ink of the low viscosity; is light; wrote it and realized a feeling of writing of the taste. Using color materials of the dark dye of the color I came to see a writing line clearly. ◆It is convenient for carrying around It is equipped with the binder clip which is easy to greatly open and I catch it in a pocket and the notebook and become easy to carry it.
Material raw materials reproduction polycarbonate elastomer Product body size 17.2mm in width X 10.9mm in depth X 139.4mm in height
ゼブラ サラサドライ 0.7 黒 ボール径:0.7mm JJB31-BK(80セット)
紙に浸透しやすい新成分をインクに配合。すぐに紙に染み込むので、書いた直後に触れても汚れません。乾燥時間は当社従来品に比べ約85%短縮しました。(0.5 ミリで普通紙に書いた場合)
素材・原材料 再生ポリカーボネート、エラストマー
商品本体サイズ 幅17.2mm×奥行10.9mm×高さ139.4mm
A characteristic:
◆The super fast-dry DRYJELL deployment
I combine the new ingredient which is easy to infiltrate paper with ink. As I soak into paper immediately I do not become dirty even if I touch it right after I wrote it. I shortened it by approximately 85% in comparison with our conventional products at dry time. (when I usually write it on the paper at 0.5 millimeters)
◆Write it quickly; taste
Did it more quickly by having had gel-formed ink of the low viscosity; is light; wrote it and realized a feeling of writing of the taste. Using color materials of the dark dye of the color I came to see a writing line clearly.
◆It is convenient for carrying around
It is equipped with the binder clip which is easy to greatly open and I catch it in a pocket and the notebook and become easy to carry it.
Material raw materials reproduction polycarbonate elastomer
Product body size 17.2mm in width X 10.9mm in depth X 139.4mm in height